BFA Parent Council/Parent Forum
School decisions and policies, such as homework, behaviour and uniform, have a direct impact on parents, so it is important that they are given the opportunity to have a say.
Feedback from parents suggests they would like the school to consult them on a regular basis. Parents want to have a say in school decision-making but aren’t always sure how to, and likewise school sometimes struggle to reach and involve all of our parents and carers.
Our Parent Council is an effective way of overcoming barriers and ensuring a range of parents’ voices can be heard on the issues that matter to them. It is a way to forge a close partnership between parents and the school, where ultimately students benefit.
What does our Parent Council do?
The Parent Council canvasses the views of the wider parent body in order to advise the school leadership of the parents’ views on different issues. The school leadership also find it helpful to listen to parent feedback on operational issues.
How does it work?
All parents and carers of children at The Beacon School are considered to be members of the Parent Forum. We have an established and successful Parent Forum in place. Meetings are regular and offer both morning and evening sessions and everyone is welcome.
Parent Forum meetings happen before the Parent Council meets. The Parent Council reps will also canvas opinions from parents and carers via social media and personal contacts and invite parents who are unable to attend the Parent Forum meetings to contribute by email.
Parents volunteer to join the Parent Council and the school will make sure there is representation from each year group by inviting parents from any un-represented years or key groups like SEND. The Parent Council meet at least once a term. When the Parent Council/and or school wishes to consult the wider parent community on a particular issue it organises a Parent Forum event which all parents are invited to.
The Parent Council ensures that the views of the parents are heard by the school by meeting termly with school leaders. The Parent Council also ensures that information and meeting discussions of both the Parent Council and Parent Forum are reported back to the parents in a meaningful and timely way.
Notes of the Parent Council meetings are shared via the newsletter and on the website.
The Parent Forum and Parent Council are a BFA initiative 'bringing home, school and our community together'.