New Year 7 Starters 2025
Welcome to our School
I am delighted to welcome you and your child into The Beacon School community. As a school, we value the strong relationships we have with families and look forward to working in partnership with you to ensure all of the students have the very best experience at the school.
We hope that this website provides you with some useful information to help support your child’s transition from primary to secondary school. For some children, the transition can be smooth and easy, whilst others may find it more difficult. This is normal and so we aim to provide students and parents with all the relevant tools to help them find their feet quickly, ease any of their worries, and support them individually to ensure they can make a positive start to their time at The Beacon School.
The school itself is on an exciting journey of improvement and your child will be joining a school that is undertaking positive changes in order to provide our students with the very best. We strive to ensure students can fulfil their potential and grow into happy, kind and well-rounded individuals. We have high ambitions for our students and believe they only have one chance at school. We also believe it is our job to work together as staff and parents to motivate, guide and challenge each one of them in order for them to become the best versions of themselves. Our most important partners are our parents and carers. We are determined to work in genuine partnership with families to ensure the success of all our students.
James Grant Duff
The Beacon School Year 7 Transition Website
Please click on the headers below to find out more information on each relevant section
What Happens Next?
March 2025
On the 3rd March 2025, National Offer Day, all parent/carers of a child in Year 6 should be sent an offer letter from their Local Council such as Surrey Council Council.You will usually receive an email from Surrey County Council. If you applied online, you may also receive a notification from Eadmissions or the ParentComms app.
If you have been offered a place at The Beacon School, we will also follow up this communication with our own Welcome Letter to the parent/carer and child.
You will need to notify the council if you wish to accept or decline the place before the 17 March 2025.
If you have been allocated a place via the Central Allocations process, The Beacon School will also invite you in to visit the school during the week commencing the 10th March so that you can see the school in action and also hear from our Headteacher before you make your decision.
Once you have confirmed the acceptance of the place at The Beacon School, later in March we will issue an Online Enrolment Form. We will ask for this to be completed complete before the end of April. This information will provide the basis of the records we set up for the student when they start in September and will allow you to confirm any SEND or Medical needs.
May 2025
Once we receive the completed online enrolment forms, we will set about putting in the students into form groups ready for the Transition day on the 1st July 2025. During this time frame, we will also endeavour to visit each child at their current primary school to find out more about them and ensure that the transition to secondary school is as easy and unscary as possible.
June 2025
Families will be sent the arrangements about the upcoming transition day on the 1st July and also confirmation of the form group and language subject allocated for their child.
July 2025
Students attend the Transition day on the 1st July and parents are invited to the parent evening on the 1st July
Where students have opted to attend the Summer School on the 21st July, they will be sent further information and attend the day
The Beacon School will also hold a second hand Uniform sale on the 21st July for those families that may be interested.
The Beacon School Year 7 Ethos and Values
The Beacon School Year 7 Ethos and Values
At The Beacon, our Year 7 ethos is ‘Bringing out the best’. It is important to us that our ethos is embedded through our key values as they underpin what we do in our day to day. Our values are important to us, so throughout the academic year, we will continue to challenge you to demonstrate our values both within and outside of our school community.
Respect - Self-respect, respect for others and respect for our learning environment.
Responsibility - Developing personal responsibility for our learning, actions and attitude within the community.
Aspiration - Embracing all opportunities by having high expectations to be as successful as you can possibly be.
At The Beacon, being part of one big community is at the heart of what we do. We collaborate to create an inclusive, caring and compassionate community rooted in our values. We envisage all students, staff and parents to actively play a part in supporting our values and ethos to create a united community.
There will be a range of opportunities designed to encourage each student to realise the best version of themselves both academically and morally. We recognise that students are on their own path and ‘Bringing out the best’ can look different for everyone. It is our promise that you will have the opportunity to do this confidently in our flexible and supportive community.
The Beacon School looks forward to welcoming you to build our community together.
I have no doubt that Year 7 is going to be a great year!
Year Leader of Year 7 for 2025