Careers Provision at The Beacon School
The Careers Programme at Beacon School
Careers provision at The Beacon ensures that students are ambitious, and well-informed and develop the necessary skills to be successful in their next steps and future careers. Promoting all pathways enables Beacon students to make informed and more confident decisions about their future next steps. We have meaningful partnerships with Reigate College, East Surrey College, Nescot and local GLF sixth forms, as well as a wide variety of other providers to ensure students are exposed to and supported in their transition beyond KS4.
At The Beacon there is a comprehensive careers education programme delivered to students throughout their time in school, using PDC, careers week, active tutorials and individual student interviews. In addition, staff and students can access the careers hub in the LRC. Students and parents are kept up to date about any LMI and opportunities for students via the school newsletter and website. Parents may contact the school if they would like to accompany students in their career interviews or speak to the careers advisor. Employers and education providers are encouraged and facilitated to speak to students about opportunities and pathways which may be of interest to them.
- The Beacon provides students with opportunities to access higher and further education providers in addition to local and national employers. We hold an annual career fair and provide opportunities for students to visit external education providers and employers. Advice and guidance are provided concerning future opportunities post-16 and post-18.
Careers Policy Statement on Provider Access
Careers Opportunities Map for all year groups
In January 2018 the Department for Education issued new Statutory Careers Guidance which outlined the eight Gatsby Benchmarks. The Benchmarks are designed to ensure that a 'gold standard' of Career Education is provided to all students to equip them for their pathways after school.
The Benchmarks are as follows:
1. A stable career programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each student
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experience of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal Guidance
At The Beacon, we are working hard to ensure that these standards are met.
We would like to hear from parents and carers, employers, Higher Education or Further Education Colleges or other career-relevant groups if you would like to support us in any of the above or other ways.
To ensure that our curriculum supports and meets the needs of our students and Parents and Carers, we will request feedback from our key stakeholders throughout the year.
Please email Sara Cox, Careers Co-ordinator
Alternatively, call 01737 359103 ext 2224
We measure the effectiveness of the Careers Programme using the 'Compass+ Evaluation Tool' to assess ongoing progress about the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
The table below shows our latest evaluation (July 2024):
Gatsby Benchmark (GMB) |
The Beacon School |
Nationally Schools meeting GBM |
1-A stable careers programme |
100% |
64.7% |
2-Learning from career and labour market information |
100% |
79.6% |
3-Addressing the needs of each pupil |
90% |
55.2% |
4-Linking curriculum learning to careers |
100% |
76.1% |
5-Encounters with employers and employees |
100% |
82% |
6-Experiences of workplaces |
100% |
66.5% |
7-Encounters with Further and Higher Education |
87% |
53.8% |
8-Personal guidance |
100% |
75.3% |
2024 cohort destination data
Careers support and advice are available from the Careers Hub in the LRC.
Additional support is available using various ICT programmes and websites and the use of simple psychometric assessments. Students can access Fast Tomato which tailors career and course suggestions.
Careers Guidance Websites
Helping your child begin their career journey, from university and apprenticeships to work experience, Success at School's careers guide is packed full of advice to help you steer your child through the confusing world of career choices.
U-Explore is an independent and impartial online careers platform which provides students with an intuitive careers guidance search engine and personal profile builder. Schools can access a wide range of teaching resources plus data to evidence student progress.
Useful Publications
Useful Links
The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. The service offers confidential and impartial advice. Qualified career advisers support this.
Start is a free and comprehensive digital platform, that offers schools and colleges a single starting point to help simplify and improve career guidance in schools.
Start - Careers Advice Website
At AllAboutSchoolLeavers, our mission is clear: we help school leavers get jobs and understand the career paths available to them. Here at the home of school leaver jobs, you’ll find everything from current apprenticeships and school leaver programme opportunities, to the latest school leaver job news, and advice to help guide you on your career journey.
The UK’s national volunteering database, makes it easy for anyone to volunteer in their community.
Find an apprenticeship through the. Gov UK website via the link below.
Amazing Apprenticeships is a website to makes it easy for teachers and career advisers to access the latest information about apprenticeships.
icould is a small, dynamic charity, providing career inspiration and information for young people. We show what is possible in work and offer different ways to think about careers through free access to over 1000 personal video stories, detailed job information, plus practical tips, insight and advice.
Baker Dearing Educational Trust - Provides information on University Technical Colleges.
Baker Dearing Educational Trust
Career Development Institute - The Career Development Institute is the single UK-wide professional body for everyone working in the fields of career education, career information, advice and guidance, career coaching, career consultancy and career management.
STEM Associations - A nationwide network of over 30,000 volunteers from a wide range of employers, who engage with young people to provide stimulating and inspirational informal leaving activities in both school and non-school settings.
Your Life App - Informs and inspires young people by allowing them to discover hundreds of varied career options.