GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region


Uniform, Personal Appearance

Please see the table below for the school’s uniform list, including details of required and optional uniform requirements, and where to buy specific items. 

Our school uniform provider is Ellis Scott in Reigate:

Ellis Scott Schoolwear

You can also visit the shop:

  • 24 Church Street, Reigate, Surrey. RH2 0AN – which is open 6 days per week, from 9.30am–5.00pm
  • or order over the telephone by calling: 01737 243825


As a member of the school, students will develop a sense of pride in themselves and their uniform. Parental cooperation is imperative in order to achieve this aim.

The school expects all students in Year 7-11 to wear their uniform correctly at all times. If the school rules are not followed then the student will be isolated until the issue has been resolved. This can involve confiscating unacceptable items or a member of the pastoral team contracting home to rectify the situation. 

Please note there are compulsory items which are only available for purchase through Ellis Scott Schoolwear as outlined below. No other items of sportswear are acceptable for PE lessons. 

The guide for uniform is below:

Uniform Policy

Please note that we are currently proposing a change to our uniform requirements for September 2025 to include a branded Blazer for Year 7. Please see the letter issued by our Headteacher Mr Grant Duff below confirming the details and also the propsed changes to the Uniform Policy coming in for September 2025.

Proposed 25/26 Uniform Changes Headteacher letter

Proposed 25/26 Uniform Policy 

Classroom Uniform for Years 7-11 

Uniform Item Notes Required or Optional Where to purchase?
Navy blue V necked pullover Distinctive with school logo. Required Ellis Scott - Reigate

Plain white shirt and tie  



Or: Blouse

Generic shirt with long or short sleeves.

School specific house colour tie.



Distinctive short sleeved, open necked blue and white striped Blouse.



Any high street retailer or supermarket

Tie from Ellis Scott - Reigate

Blouse from Ellis Scott - Reigate

Plain black trousers

Or: Plain black tailored shorts

Or: Skirt and tights

Generic with no zips, logos or adornments.



Distinctive Plan Black knee lenght skirt with a single pleat worn with plain, thick black tights.


Any high street retailer or supermarket

Ellis Scott - Regiate

Plain black socks



With skirts/shorts, ankle length or lower socks are permitted in the summer term or at the discretion of the Headteacher.



Any high street retailer or supermarket


Plain black shoes


Should be polishable leather style shoes that are appropriate for school. Large logos/sports shoes are not permitted.



Any high street retailer or supermarket

Navy or black outer coat



They should be an appropriate school style coat, which is not made of leather, denim or equivalent materials. Sweatshirts, hoodies etc. are not appropriate. We suggest students that cycle wear visibility bands.


Any high street retailer or supermarket


Cycle helmets


Must be worn at all times when cycling to and from school


Required when cycling


Any high street retailer or supermarket

PE Kit – All Year
The Beacon School PE fleece Distinctive with Logo Required Ellis Scott - Regiate
The Beacon School PE t-shirt Distinctive with Logo Required Ellis Scott - Regiate

The Beacon School PE  tracksuit bottoms/training pants

Or: Shorts

Or: Skort

Or: Leggings

Distinctive with Logo



Ellis Scott - Regiate


Red sports socks Generic Required Ellis Scott - Regiate
Non-marking trainers Generic Required Any high street retailer or supermarket
Gum shield and Football boots Generic Required Any high street retailer or supermarket

Beacon PE top is available if studying either GCSE or BTEC


Jewellery may not be worn. Students may wear a watch (medical alert bands are also acceptable), but smart watches must be disabled during the school day.


Hairstyles should be appropriate for school.
- Any extreme or unprofessional looking haircuts are not acceptable
- Hair decorations should be small and discreet
- Bandannas and decorative scarfs are not acceptable (religious headscarves should be worn in plain black or navy blue)
- Hats cannot be worn in lessons

Makeup and eyelashes:

Makeup should be discreet and appropriate for school. No extreme or unprofessional makeup is allowed. False eyelashes or heavy mascara are not allowed. Students will be asked to remove excessive makeup or false eyelashes before going to lessons if it is deemed inappropriate. Persistent breaches of this rule will lead to the form tutor ringing home.


Nail varnish of any kind and false nails are not acceptable. Students will be sent to the main reception to move any nail varnish deemed to be inappropriate or extreme. Acrylic/false nails are not permitted in school.

Pre-Loved Uniform

The Beacon School can provide items of pre-loved uniform should families be looking for assistance with these costs.

The School runs a large pre-loved uniform sale each July as we ready for our new intakes. Information will be sent out to all parents/carers across the year groups and those year 6 that accepted places to join us that Autumn.

Should students join our school community outside of this time or grow out of existing uniform, please do contact our main office to enquire about uniform availability on


Students that are coming to the end of their time at the school or that have grown out of their uniform are encouraged to donate items that are still good quality back to the school to support other students.

Any donations are gratefully accepted via our main reception during the opening hours of 8am- 4pm every weekday.


Uniform Date  
Ellis Scott 18th Jun 2024 Download
Blazer launch 26th Feb 2025 Download
Blazer launch 26th Feb 2025 Download
Blazer launch 26th Feb 2025 Download
Blazer launch 27th Feb 2025 Download