Behaviour for Learning
The Governing Body and Staff of The Beacon School are committed to promoting high standards of behaviour. Our Behaviour for Learning Policy puts into effect The Beacon School’s principles for promoting positive behaviour for learning with the aim of enabling all students to achieve their potential. It sets out the whole-school approach to behaviour management in order to achieve a positive whole-school learning ethos. We seek to uphold at all times The Beacon School's core values:
- Endeavour
- Kindness
- Community
- Ambition
- Integrity
The Policy can be found via the link below:
Mobile Technology Stance
As described in our Behaviour Policy, The Beacon School insists that all students should ensure that any mobile technology device is switched off and placed in their school bag before entering the school site, and remains out of sight for the duration of the day. Technology such as mobile phones, Bluetooth headphones, air pods and headphones are all included in this category.
Students are able to access their phones once they have been dismissed for the end of the day by their Class Teacher and have left the school site.
Students who fail to comply with the mobile technology rules will have their item/s confiscated.
Staged response to confiscation of technology
● On the first occasion, the item(s) will be handed in to the main office and can be collected at 3.00 pm.
● On the subsequent – second occasion parents will be required to collect the item and sign to confirm collection and understanding of the next stage.
● Should the student breach this rule again on a third occasion, the item will be confiscated for seven consecutive school days, parents will be required to collect the item and sign to confirm collection and understanding of the next stage.
● Any further confiscations and breach of this rule will result in an additional 7 school days of confiscation, e.g. fourth occasion will result in a 14-day confiscation.
● Where a school holiday falls, such as a half term break in-between the length of confiscation, parents may collect the item on the last day of term, however it must be returned to complete the confiscation on the first day after the holiday.
● Confiscations do not reset each term
The school cannot accept responsibility if these items are lost or stolen.