The following information is to help any prospective families looking to join The Beacon School.
Please click on each header to view the relevant information in full below.
Open Evening 2025
We are pleased to announce that our next Open Evening will be:
Tuesday 8th July 2025
More details will be provided nearer the time but we can confirm that the evening would be aimed at those students currently in Year 4 or 5.
Students currently in Year 6 would have already been allocated places at a secondary school starting in September 2025 and be visiting the school for a seperate transition day during the summer term.
Admission into Year 7 in September 2025
To apply to join The Beacon School for Year 7 to start in September 2025, prospective families need to apply via Surrey County Council (SCC).
Applications can be completed by the child’s parent/carer online via the link below from the 1st September 2024. Paper copies are also available from the council on request.
Year 7 admissions via Surrey Country Council
Applications need to be submitted by the 31st October 2024 for September 2025 entry; while the student is in year 6 of their primary school. Families are allowed to list up to six schools, in order of personal preference, in their application.
Should you miss the 31st October deadline, your application may be considered as a late application, if there is no genuine reason for the late application. Late applications are only considered for spaces once all the on-time applications have been processed, therefore late applications can only be considered if spaces remain after the on-time applications have been processed.
Families will be informed of the outcome of your application in the evening of the 3rd March 2025. You will usually receive an email from Surrey County Council. If you applied online, you may also receive a notification from Eadmissions or the ParentComms app.
The school’s admission criterion below sets out admission preferences in case of over-subscription.
In-Year Admissions to year 7 to 11
In-Year admissions are applications to join The Beacon School outside of the normal Year 7 application cycle, at the end of Year 6 for a September start.
Applications can only be considered if there is space in the relevant year group. We currently have space available in most year groups.
In Year Admissions applications are co-ordinated by Surrey County Council (SCC). You should not withdraw your child from their current school until you have secured a place for them at another school.
In Year admissions applications via Surrey Country Council (SCC)
Please note that we currently do not provide Sixth form or Post 16 Education.
Waiting List Year 7 -11
Year 7
After the full number of places in Year 7 has been offered in accordance with the Admissions procedure, a waiting list will be established according to our oversubscription categories.
Late applications will be considered in accordance with Surrey’s Co-ordinated Scheme and should be made direct to the Local Authority. Applications must be in writing and be supported by evidence of proof of address, such as a Council Tax bill.
As part of the initial intake to the school, applicants will automatically be added to the waiting list if they have not been offered a place at one of their higher preference schools. The school will maintain a waiting list in respect of admittance into Year 7 until the end of the Summer Term. At the end of this term, each Year 7 Parent or Carer who is on the waiting list will be contacted and asked to confirm in writing, that they wish to remain on the list. For all those who do confirm in writing, then this will be for the next academic year.
If a Parent or Carer has not put The Beacon School as a preference for entry into Year 7, or if they were offered a higher preference school, then they will need to apply to their home Local Authority in accordance with the Local Authority’s Co-ordinated Scheme in order to be placed onto the waiting list.
Year 8 - 11
A separate waiting list is maintained for Years 8 to 11, in line with the oversubscription criteria. Parents or Carers will also be contacted at the end of the Summer Term and asked to confirm that they wish to remain on the list (a deadline for response will be stated).
For all those who respond and confirm that they wish to remain on the list, then this will be for the next academic year.
If we do not receive notification from applicants within the set time-frame, we will assume that you no longer wish to remain on our waiting list and your child’s name will be removed.
Thereafter, if you would like to re-apply for a place at The Beacon School in the future this can be done through the ‘In Year Admissions Process’ via Surrey Admissions; further details are provided in a seperate section above. Applications for an In Year school place must be made via Surrey Local Authority.
Contact Information
If you have any admissions enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our Admissions Officer on
call 01737 359103