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Personal Development and Citizenship (PDC) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
At The Beacon School we have designed a Personal Development and Citizenship (PDC) curriculum that is broad, varied and engaging.
Our PDC provision plays a vital role in equipping our students with the skills and knowledge to prepare them for the opportunities and experiences of teenage life and adulthood. We aim to develop key character skills, including resilience, self-efficacy, and communication, ensuring our students can successfully navigate life in modern society. We encourage exploration and respect of difference, enabling our students to play a positive role within our community. We use a spiral curriculum model to ensure our students are given the opportunity to revisit themes and develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of these topics.
The Beacon School believe Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) to be a life long learning process about promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental, emotional and physical development of all students. The aim of RSE is to give young people the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds, not just intimate relationships. It should enable them to know what a healthy relationship looks like and what makes a good friend, a good colleague and a successful marriage, civil partnership or other type of committed relationship. It involves acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs, values and attitudes. RSE will provide accurate information about the body, reproduction, sex and sexual health. It will also give students the essential skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitative relationships and staying safe in the modern world, both on and offline.
At The Beacon School, RSE is taught within the Personal Development and Citizenship Education (PDC) curriculum. The biological aspects of RSE are covered in the Science curriculum and other aspects of RSE may be included throughout the Religious Studies (RS) curriculum.
Right to be excused from Sex Education
This is also commonly referred to as the Right to Withdraw. Parents and carers have the right to request that their child(ren) be withdrawn from some or all of sex education as part of statutory RSE.
If you wish for your child to be excused from all or some of sex education within Relationships and Sex Education, please email info@thebeaconschool.co.uk with the following information:
● Student’s full name
● Form group
● Reason for withdrawing from sex education within Relationships and Sex Education.
The request will be placed in the student’s educational record. The PDC Lead and/or the Safeguarding Lead, or another member of the Senior Leadership Team will then follow up all requests and appropriate action will be taken.
Alternative work will be provided to students who are excused from Relationships and Sex Education.
Please see the RSE policy linked below for more information