Work Experience
At the Beacon School, we consider work-related learning opportunities as an essential element for preparing for adult life. Student work experiences and encounters provide our students with opportunities to learn key skills which they can utilise in their working lives. These opportunities provide our students with a wider outlook on the world of work and support their decision-making for their next steps. These opportunities can support future applications for further and higher education. We have committed to providing all our year 10 students with work experience to support and increase their chances of employment in later life.
Other benefits are that work-related learning will develop the student's understanding of the workings of businesses and an understanding of finance, labour markets, and employer needs and provide students with the opportunity to build their social and personal skills through enterprise, work-related activities and opportunities for work experience.
Work-related learning should help our students:
- Recognise, develop, and apply skills for enterprise and employability.
- Develop their understanding of work.
- Understand the way businesses operate.
- Develop an awareness of employment opportunities.
- Relate their abilities, attributes, and achievements to their future career intentions.
- Understand different work contexts and practices.
- Engage with challenges and applications from the business world empowering students.
- Raise students' aspirations.
- Promote equality and opportunity challenging stereotypes.
Below are several articles which discuss work experience which you may find interesting. Please click on the link to go to the relevant articles:
UCAS website - Is work experience important?
Allaboutcareers - Why is Work Experience Important?
Parental Guidance - The importance of work experience
UCAS website - Ten ways to get the most out of work experience
National Careers Service - Work experience explained
Pearson Website - How to find work experience
Year 10 work experience and next steps information evening presentation:
Please can we then have a link to a page that has the following information on it:
Work Experience: 2025
We are working with a company called Changing Education to help support our students in securing work experience
The deadline for students to enter their work experience placement onto the Changing Education app is the 28th April 2025. If any students need further support with finding a placement or entering details of the placement into the app, they should contact their form tutor in the first instance. An appointment can then be made with Mrs Cox, Careers Coordinator, should students need support finding and applying for an appropriate placement.
Please see below the information supplied at the work experience/ revision information evening in March: