Mathematics Curriculum Intent:
Maths is a fundamental subject at The Beacon School. The study of maths develops thinking skills and creativity, as well as promoting a practical approach to problem-solving through the flexible application of skills. These skills are essential both in the workplace and for personal decision-making.
Across all key stages, students will develop curiosity and fluency, reason mathematically, and solve problems using the language of mathematics to explain themselves both verbally and in writing. We want our students to be successful mathematicians, gaining knowledge and skills that allow them to feel a sense of achievement and understand how their current learning relates to their wider journey through the mathematics curriculum, as well as those of other subjects.
We want our students to feel safe in an environment that supports those who may struggle at times yet challenges them to progress and develop depth of understanding. Above all, we want our students to enjoy mathematics as a subject in-and-of-itself.
Mathematics Curriculum Overviews